Dream Catcher Catholic

7/24/2022by admin
  1. Dream Catcher Catholic
  2. Dream Catchers Christian Perspective
  3. Are Dream Catchers Bad
  4. Dream Catcher And Christianity

The beads or other artifacts woven into some dream catchers are put there to encourage particular types of dreams. Particular beads may be ‘blessed’ to bring dreams of love, sea shells may be tasked with bring dreams of self-realization or beauty. These items are used to attract dreams of a particular type. Jerome's father was a successful Jewish food importer and his mother was an Irish Catholic who converted to Judaism, making Sonny (as his relatives called him) entirely Jewish. My wife got a dream catcher a few years ago and although I said they are nonsense (because I didn't know about them),I just thought they were a harmless old Native american thing and it's just an ornament sort of thing.I have since found out that they don't filter out bad dreams at all they are part of the occult and do the opposite to what they claim.My wife also had a thing called a 'circle. Dream catchers are considered as a symbol of oneness among numerous indigenous cultures and regions. It is also seen to be a general indication of Native American identity. In a different perspective, some Native Americans see dream catchers to be misused and offensively exploited by non-Native Americans. History & Origin of the Dream Catcher. The original dream catchers come from Native American culture; today’s associations with the dream catcher are similar. According to modern legends, pleasant dreams catch in the ringed web and float along the ribbons to give you happy dreams and a restful night's sleep. Today's contemporary designs may showcase dainty ribbons, lush colors.

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Q. 1. Are Catholics allowed to collect Native American Dreamcatchers to decorate their homes?
A. 1. The first thing that comes to my mind is, would you keep a statue of Buddha as a decoration in your home? Dreamcatchers are articles that are viewed as protective charms, therefore having their origin on superstition.
On the matter of superstition, the Catechism of the Catholic Church states:
'The first commandment forbids honoring gods other than the one Lord who has revealed himself to his people. It proscribes superstition and irreligion. Superstition in some sense represents a perverse excess of religion; irreligion is the vice contrary by defect to the virtue of religion.' [C.C.C. # 2110]
'Superstition is the deviation of religious feeling and of the practices this feeling imposes. It can even affect the worship we offer the true God, e.g., when one attributes an importance in some way magical to certain practices otherwise lawful or necessary. To attribute the efficacy of prayers or of sacramental signs to their mere external performance, apart from the interior dispositions that they demand, is to fall into superstition.' [C.C.C. # 2111]
While many Catholics would view dreamcatchers as a decoration and symbol of the Native American culture, there are many who would be curious about its origin and would be led to believe in its alleged protective charm. This would be no different than keeping a rabbit's foot for good luck, placing fate above faith.
Based on what has been said until now, Catholics should not promote, buy, possess, sell or trade dreamcatchers. Catholic store owners should not market items that promote superstition.

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Dream Catcher Catholic

Copyright © Catholic Doors Ministry

The demonic realm is real, and demons are looking for a body to host or an object in which to attach. In the Bible, we see examples of territorial spirits in Mark 5 who wanted to occupy a region.

Familiar spirits know what is in our generational line and what we struggle with. They operate to keep the same negative patterns and habits repeatedly manifesting. Territorial spirits and familiar spirits can be in the atmosphere, attempting to inflict our souls and attach to objects. Spirits can attach to objects that are not of the Lord, have been cursed, or dedicated to a false god.

There are times we go through another territory or region, and we can feel the darkness. Additionally, there are also times we feel something is just not right. These are examples of how the demonic can infiltrate other places, and we are sensitive to it, and the Spirit makes us aware. It is similar to when we go into a church or home that has been prayed up and permeated with the presence of the Lord. We can feel an atmospheric shift, lightness and peace; that is how we want our homes to feel. It is wisdom to do a spiritual housecleaning and purge anything in our homes that could be instituting spiritual warfare on our behalf.

Dream Catcher Catholic

I remember one time going to the store and purchasing bags of crosses on clearance. As we were in prayer and worship, the bags were in the room when two of us looked up and felt something amiss in the spiritual atmosphere. We were immediately drawn to the bag of crosses. As we looked at the crosses, we could see faces in the designs. We later discovered crosses made in China were made in the same factories as Buddhas, and that they are dedicated to Buddha before they leave China. We immediately got rid of them and prayed over my home.

In the Bible, we receive instructions on what to do with an object that could have spiritual attachments.

You must burn the graven images of their gods with fire. You must not desire the silver or gold that is on them nor take any of it, lest you be snared by them, for it is an abomination to the Lord your God. You shall not bring an abomination into your house, lest you become cursed like it, but you must absolutely detest and abhor it, for it is a cursed thing (Deut. 7:25-26).

We could have received an ungodly object from our grandparents (not intentionally), something we purchased while traveling or as a gift. I suggest praying over the gifts you receive. I remember one of my assistants often having to dispose of gifts her daughter would send her from oversees. But how do we know what we need to get rid of and what we can pray over and keep? We need to seek the Holy Spirit for wisdom, guidance and leading.

Objects we shouldn't have in our homes would include Buddha, false gods, dream catchers, rabbit's foot, yin-yang symbols, peace signs, anything representing the demonic or darkness and any objects that are rooted in a false religion.

There are also what I call undercover objects we need to discern such as jewelry, gifts, wall hangings, knickknacks, heirloom items and sentimental items.

Items you should question and discern with the Holy Spirit:

  • Jewelry from an ex-lover or former spouse.
  • Items from friendships that have ended in disunity.
  • Items that remind you of emotional or physical trauma.
  • Heirloom items unless you know your ancestry and grandparents' spirituality.
  • Jewelry from your generational line.
  • Jewelry with occult symbolism or symbolism that cannot be identified.
  • Items with no reasoning behind them.
  • Items people left in your house without permission.

How should we discern or decide what to keep and what to dispose of?

  • Pray and seek the Holy Spirit.
  • What feeling does the item bring forth?
  • Do you have a 'check' in your spirit—an uneasiness about the item?
  • Do you have an unusual special attachment to the item?
  • Pray and bring in a mature friend or Christian to help you.
  • Remove your flesh and natural opinion—it is just an object.
  • Don't take into consideration the sentimental value. The sentiment of the item is still inside you, in your heart or the memory, even after the item is removed.
  • Don't take into consideration the value of the item. The warfare the item brings costs you more than the physical item itself.

Dream Catchers Christian Perspective

Don't feel you have to throw every item away that you have a check or uneasiness about. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit if you can pray over and anoint the item or if you have to remove it. I am clearly not telling you to keep occult objects, statues of false idols or items of that nature. What I am saying is don't go through your house like a crazy person throwing everything away because it could have a spiritual attachment. Ask the Holy Spirit. Pack the item away in the basement for a few weeks if it is in question, while you pray and discern, and bind and restrict the spiritual realm from activating through it while you are discerning.

Be wise in the decisions you make, but also don't be ignorant of the enemy's devices. Clean up your home and get rid of objects that don't glorify the Lord or that have demonic attachments. Create and permeate an atmosphere conducive for the Holy Spirit to move in your home and life. Eliminate open doors to the enemy to cause spiritual warfare attacks against you.

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Dream Catcher And Christianity

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